7 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Children’s Good Eye Health

7 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Children’s Good Eye HealthBy Dr Millicent Grim.


Although adults and teens can be trusted to protect and keep their sense of sight healthy, you cannot count on younger children to be as careful and thorough in doing so.

As a parent, you have to take the lead in helping your children protect and take care of their eyes.

By taking some proactive measures to take care of your children’s eyes, you can help them keep infections and injuries at bay, which will enable them to develop and maintain good eyesight.

You and your little ones will then be assured that they will have fully functional, healthy eyes and clear vision now and in the future.


1.    Give your children eye-safe toys.

Many parents are not aware that some toys can injure their children’s eyes. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are often at higher risk for this danger.

As a rule, avoid giving them rough and sharp toys since these can cause accidental eye injuries. As much as possible, stick to buying soft items for them to play with.

Also, it is always best to give your children age-appropriate toys. Read the age stated by the manufacturer on the product’s package before buying it for your little ones.


2.    Limit your children’s screen time.

More and more children are starting to use tablets, smartphones, and computers for entertainment and as learning tools every day. Although these devices can be helpful at times, letting your kids use them for prolonged periods of time is not good for their eyes.

This is because too much screen time can strain the eyes regardless of the person’s age.

If your children are younger than five years, limit their screen time to an hour daily.

Also, make sure you don’t let your kids tinker with mobile devices too close to their bedtime and avoid showing long videos to children younger than 18 months.


3.    Teach your children to keep a good distance from the TV.

Aside from mobile devices, many children also end up spending several hours watching television daily. This habit can also strain their eyes and affect their vision.

To protect your children’s eye health when they are watching television, make sure they sit a good distance from the screen. Also, ensure they stay in this area and avoid coming closer to the TV during their viewing time. The general rule of thumb is to be at least 5 times the distance from the screen as the screen is wide.

Additionally, keep the viewing or TV room properly lit so that the TV is not the only source of light in the area, which can lead to eye strain.


4.    Allow your children to spend more time outdoors.

Letting your little ones play out on your lawn or bringing them to a nearby park or garden allows them to experience various health benefits.

These benefits include better eye health.

A study showed that children who spend plenty of time outdoors are less likely to develop myopia. Moreover, allowing them to play in green spaces gives their eyes a much-needed rest.

You can also encourage your older children to take up a sport. Swimming, cycling, soccer, tennis and other sports and activities promote physical fitness and improve hand-eye coordination at the same time.

However, give your children sun protection accessories, including sunglasses with UV protection and hats to shield them from sun rays.


5.    Give your children the right protective eyewear for their sports.

If your children are into any kind of sport, make sure they wear the appropriate protective eyewear whenever they play.

The right safety or protective eyewear for sports and other physical activities is crucial to helping your children avoid eye injuries while they play.

Aside from getting your kids the right protective eye gear, teach them how to use them properly and encourage them to wear these whenever they are playing.

Ensure your children also wear goggles when swimming since they may get an eye infection from the chlorine in the water.


6.    Ensure your children follow a healthy diet.

A balanced diet is crucial for good eye and overall health at any age. As such, you have to ensure your children are eating the right food that can support their growth and development.

Make it a habit to include fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, and eggs in your daily family meals. Try to feed them green leafy and yellow veggies since they are excellent sources of vitamin A, an essential nutrient for ocular health.

Help your children follow a mixed diet to ensure they receive all the essential nutrients they need for better eye and overall health.

Also, minimize your children’s intake of processed and unhealthy fatty or sugary snacks since they are devoid of nutrients and packed only with empty calories.

Lastly, make sure your kids drink plenty of water every day since sufficient hydration is also crucial for eye health.


7.    Bring your children to their ophthalmologist regularly.

Children should start having regular vision screening schedules between six and 12 months and throughout their preschool and school-going years.

An ophthalmologist should start tracking your baby’s vision development from infancy to allow them to detect any ocular or vision issues and provide the necessary treatment to prevent the progression of these anomalies.

During grade school, your children should get annual eye exams.

By staying on top of all scheduled eye exams, you will help their ophthalmologist follow your children’s visual development at every stage. Moreover, their specialist will be able to detect and treat any eye problems early and successfully.

The eyes are one of the most important body organs. Make sure your children enjoy the full use of their sense of sight by helping them protect and take care of them at an early age.


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