Cancer Prevention: Preparation and Disability Insurance

Cancer Prevention: Preparation and Disability Insurance

As we head into February, which is National Cancer Prevention Month, it’s a good time to discuss how we can all fight against this disease and reduce our risk. (Hint: A great way to start is by purchasing disability insurance.)

Cancer is one of the leading causes of disability in this country and it’s not far behind heart disease as America’s most common cause of death.

We were reminded of cancer’s grim toll this past month when we lost three beloved stars in quick succession. David Bowie, Lemmy Kilmister and Alan Rickman were all larger than life in their own way, and yet all succumbed to cancer.

So yes, cancer is a frightening proposition that affects people from all walks of life, but there are small steps we can all take to safeguard ourselves. The first of which is to have a disability insurance policy in place.  Beyond that, let’s have a look at some cancer prevention tips that can help you enjoy a longer, healthier life.

Get Active

Physical activity is one of the lynchpins of cancer prevention. Most experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, but the more you can get the better. Even if your job keeps you tethered to a desk (or if you tend to be anchored to the sofa), you can get active in spurts throughout the day. You don’t need to block off large amounts of time. Stretching, squats, push-ups, lunges and other quick bursts of activity that get the blood moving can do a world of good for your health.

Dropping the Smokes Is Key to Cancer Prevention

Quitting tobacco can dramatically reduce your risk of developing cancer. If you need help kicking the habit, there are plenty of free resources out there.

What’s In Your Diet?

Most of us love a nice steak or a juicy cheeseburger … or bacon … or sausage … or basically any kind of meat. Sadly, red meat and processed meat have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Not to pile on the bad news, but so has alcohol consumption.

What we put in our bodies has a huge impact on whether or not we get cancer. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and fiber have proved to be the most healthful. Check out this link for some healthy recipes to help you steer clear of a cancer diagnosis.

Be Proactive, Get Screened, Get Disability Insurance

Cancer prevention is all about being proactive, so be sure to get screened. You can also be proactive by getting disability insurance. Preparing for the event of a disabling illness like cancer can go a long way toward protecting your finances and your peace of mind.

Making Changes

It’s easier said than done to start “living a healthy lifestyle,” but it can be done.

Every small lifestyle change you make is a step in the right direction.

We can all get healthier and lower our chances of getting cancer by making better choices day to day.

Cancer can take down even the most seemingly indestructible among us. But we can take control of our health by eating more nutritious foods, getting plenty of exercise, quitting tobacco, and being proactive about cancer prevention. We can beat cancer!

Image Credit: Shutterstock


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