Measuring Workplace Productivity

Nov-productivity-imageIt’s been said many times that a company can only be as successful as its employees are productive, and there’s a lot of truth to this idiom. A productive workforce isn’t necessarily one that works nonstop, but rather a group of employees who have learned how to maximize their time and energy while working together. For managers and HR directors, learning how to measure productivity in the workplace can be extremely beneficial, and it’s not as difficult as you might think.


Ready to gain a better sense of how your staff is performing? Here are three ways to start measuring workplace productivity today.

1. Measure By Objective

One of the most important things that managers and HR directors can do when attempting to measure workplace productivity is to avoid using subjective metrics of any kind. Many people who find themselves in managerial positions try out numerous different techniques before settling upon one of the most effective— managing by objective. When objectives are clearly laid out and organized in a way that both the employee and manager can always be on the same page, measuring productivity becomes effortless, as the person has either done the work or they have not.

2. Measure By Time

While measuring by objective is typically the most effective way to to gain a high-level sense of how well your employees are performing, there are certain circumstances when it will be necessary to measure productivity based upon time. As with measuring by objective, measuring by time can actually be quite easy so long as your employees are inputting their hours in a time-tracking system of some sort. There are instances of software available that allow time tracking to occur in real time and be monitored by management, which can actually help to boost productivity when properly utilized.

3. Measure By Sales Activity

If sales productivity is a primary concern, it may make sense to use sales activity as a metric. In such a case, it is essential that every employee track things such as number of sales completed in a specific time period, total amount of sales in dollars, number of calls made to current and potential customers and other factors. While numerous factors can come into play that affect sales at any given time, you may be able to discover patterns by tracking these metrics over a year or longer that will give you a sense of how each and every one of your employees are performing.


It takes effort to measure workplace productivity, and there will be times when things simply are not as clear as you’d like them to be. By identifying goals and using the proper metrics to see that your staff are working in the right direction, however, you’ll be doing your entire organization a huge favor for years to come.



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