Quick Guide on the Causes of Disability Insurance Claims and Benefits

The benefits of disability insuranceA disability – whether an injury, illness, or affliction – can be debilitating for people in any occupation. And they’re very hard to predict, meaning that someone can get hurt on or off the job anytime, anywhere. That’s where disability insurance comes in.

Disability insurance ensures that you won’t suffer financially, should you become temporarily or permanently disabled from an illness or accident. Without this insurance, you risk losing valuable income that you and your family will need, because you’re forced to take time off for your injuries or afflictions.

Disability insurance offers a safety net. No matter your occupation, it’s better to be safe than sorry. In this guide, we’ll explore four of the most common health issues that can cause disability claims, and often bring much-needed benefits for disabled parties.

  1. Mental Issues

“Mental health issues like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and so on often stem from chronic or severe health issues either brought about by trauma or work accidents,” says Warren Henderson, a journalist at Brit Student and Write my X. “In the most recent years, mental issues have been recognized by disability insurance companies as eligible for insurance claims, since they often interfere with how a person operates at work.”

  1. Heart Disease

Heart disease is another health issue worth considering. However, the issue isn’t taken as seriously enough, since workers with heart problems are often required to return to work after 60 days of treatment and rehabilitation. Although people with heart problems may think that they’re fine after treatment, they can still be vulnerable to stress issues.

  1. Cancer

“Cancer is one of many serious conditions, despite recently advances in modern medicine and treatments which make cancerous illnesses more combatable if not curable,” says Kevin Bay, a health writer at Origin Writings and 1 Day 2 write. “However, treatments like chemotherapy can do more harm than good when combating cancer. This can only lead to a reasonable claim of disability, because it would be difficult to work in such conditions. Side effects range from fatigue to nausea to vomiting, which can take away from focusing on work. That’s why it’s important for working cancer patients to talk to their doctors about how they can obtain disability insurance should they suffer side effects from cancer treatments like chemotherapy.”

  1. Lumbar And Musculoskeletal Issues

Finally, lumbar cervical issues and musculoskeletal disorders are something to consider when looking for disability insurance. First, claimants with lumbar cervical issues tend to suffer from the following:

  • Spine fusions
  • Problems sitting for too long (which is problematic for, say, office desk workers)
  • Herniated disks
  • Other back issues

In addition, musculoskeletal disorders can involve one or all of the following:

  • Skeletal issues
  • Muscular pain (or other related problems)
  • Issues in the back, neck, thoracic regions, and or lumbar areas
  • Spinal osteophytes, etc.

If you suffer from any of these issues and pursue an insurance claim for them, you’ll likely have to show extensive proof.


While disabilities can never be predicted, it’s still important to have a plan for in case you fall ill or get injured.

While having a disability can be physically, emotionally, and mentally debilitating, understand that you have options. With disability insurance in place, you’ll be able to lessen the burden that can fall on you and your family.

Here are some resources to check out for more information on disability insurances claims and benefits:

  • Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) is a non-profit that helps the disabled and or families with disabled members with planning for future needs.
  • The Centre for Civil Society is a great resource for finding information for planning potential causes of disabilities. You can also find support circles for those and families afflicted with disabilities.

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