Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Health

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Health

Spring has sprung! Whether you’re just now emerging from a melting snowdrift in the frozen North, or perhaps in Florida and totally unaware of the seasonal change, now is a great time to commence with some spring cleaning to bolster your health. Let’s have a look at some spring cleaning tips and ideas to keep your domicile fresh, clean, and healthy.

Take Out the Trash, Donate the Clutter

We all have some things we probably don’t need anymore. Perhaps you have a section of your garage filled with items that have lain dormant since the Gerald Ford administration, or maybe some boxes of knick-knacks you’re not sure what to do with.

Chances are, you have some things that just sit there and collect dust. Which is no joke. Dust mites are a major cause of asthma, allergies, and other breathing problems.

Take some time to go through your home to identify what you can part with. Then decide what should be thrown out and what could be donated. Having fewer things is a big step toward a cleaner, healthier environment, and decluttering has even been tied to improved mental health.

Banish the Allergens

Speaking of dust, when’s the last time you switched out your air filters? Or cleaned the curtains, fan blades, or mattresses? These are all havens for dust mites and other allergens that can make you and your family sick. Go through your home and make a dusting checklist.

If you have pets, dust can combine with dander to create terrible amalgams of allergens, so it’s also important to get rid of that pet hair as best you can.

Another serious allergen we’re often surrounded by yet oblivious to is mold. Controlling mold begins with controlling moisture, so be sure to clean up any dampness right away, improve ventilation as much as you can, and wash those towels regularly! Keep in mind that every home has some mold, and not all mold is toxic, but it’s important to know the difference.

Here’s more about how to prevent mold from taking hold.

Attack the Nasty Stuff, and Hidden Hotspots

An unpleasant but important component of our spring cleaning tips involves going after the neglected, nasty nooks of your home. Of course it’s important to clean your bathrooms, drains, trashcans, and shower curtains, but don’t forget about other hidden hotspots for germs.

When’s the last time you cleaned your dishwasher? Or your fridge? Where there is food there is possible contamination, so be sure to keep your fridge, cutting boards, and your kitchen as clean as a whistle. You don’t want any part of salmonella or food poisoning.

Unfortunately, nasty stuff might also be where you least expect it. According to at least one scientist, a quarter of all purses have E.coli on them! Have a look at some other everyday items that are germ magnets to help you stay vigilant.

Dark Corners and Creepy Crawlies

Perhaps the most unpleasant of our spring cleaning tips involves a bit of man versus wild. Whether your struggle is with cockroaches, fleas, mice, or spiders, a thorough house cleaning is a good place to start. Before you go dropping any bug bombs or pesticides, keep in mind there are plenty of natural ways to get rid of bugs if you prefer to avoid harsh chemicals. And of course you may need a flashlight, a ladder, and a good whompin’ shoe to get rid of some unwelcome arachnid interlopers.

Another key to winning the pest war is to seal off any potential entrance points, and to keep your home free of potential food sources. Bug feces is terrible for our health, so be sure to vacuum it up or get rid of it all however you can.

It’s unpleasant to brave all the dark, dank, neglected corners of your home, but you’ll be healthier for it.

Spring Cleaning Tips, for Your Health    

Your home should be a place of refuge, safety, and comfort. Don’t let clutter or critters make you sick for a moment longer.

Take charge with these spring cleaning tips to make your home a healthy haven. It’ll do wonders for your physical and mental health!

Image Credit: Shutterstock


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