The Power of Magnesium

Nov-magnesium-imageWhen it comes to supplements, making the right decisions about what to take can be easier said than done. Many make claims and promises that are dubious at best, often without the backing of science or peer-reviewed literature to support such statements. One supplement that has been studied time and time again, however, is magnesium—an essential mineral with far more potential than many people realize.


Studies have shown that 55% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Here’s why you should be supplementing with it for a healthier lifestyle.

Magnesium Can Help Reduce Insomnia

For those who have trouble falling asleep at night, finding a solution that actually works can be an exercise in frustration. If getting enough exercise and avoiding caffeine throughout the day aren’t enough to help you fall asleep, you may want to consider supplementing with magnesium. Magnesium plays a key role in interacting with GABA receptors in the brain, which are responsible for promoting both physical and mental calm. If you’re deficient in the mineral, this may be to blame for any sleep issues you may be experiencing.

It’s Good for Your Heart

Everyone knows that it’s important to focus on maintaining good cardiovascular health, but how many people actually go the extra mile? Magnesium not only helps to reduce the risks of suffering from coronary heart diseases—it may also lower one’s chances of having a stroke. Since deficiencies in magnesium can increase the prevalence of abnormal heart rhythms, it stands to reason why supplementing can be beneficial as a general prophylactic against cardiovascular distress.

It Helps Build Strong Bones

Most people think of calcium when it comes to bone health. And while it certainly plays a significant role in maintaining bone structure, magnesium is just as important. In fact, they work in tandem, influencing bone formation and helping to prevent osteoporosis from occurring. Since a lack of magnesium can actually inhibit calcium’s ability to metabolize properly, supplementing is a commonly recommended course of action.

It May Even Prevent Diabetes

Incidents of Type-2 diabetes are on the rise in America, and for those with family histories, steering clear of the disease can be a true challenge. Studies have shown, however, that supplementing with magnesium may actually reduce the chance of developing diabetes, thanks to how it helps regulate blood glucose levels. Since magnesium also helps metabolize carbohydrates, it can be very effective at assisting insulin in working more efficiently.


So don’t assume that all supplements are the same. Find a well-reputed magnesium supplement, and enjoy its relaxing, holistic health benefits.


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