Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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Happy female professional in the office

More than money: How to use benefits to get and keep good people

This article originally appeared on the American Fidelity blog. The current job market is nothing short of chaotic. Employees used the pandemic to reassess their career goals, and many are taking a hard look at what balance between work and life means. While the outlook for employees is positive and encouraging, it’s presenting great challenges…

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The Benefits of Being an Older First Time Mom

You see them jogging with strollers or walking in the baby food aisle. Maybe you’re one yourself. Today, more women ages 40 – 44 are new mothers. After decades of decline, there has been a jump in the increase of older moms. In a recent analysis of census data by Pew Research Center, 86 percent…

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LGBTQ+ health challenges

LGBTQ+ Confronted by Increased Disabilities and Reduced Medical Care

As we celebrate Pride Month this June, the world’s LGBTQ+ communities have many hard-won achievements to recognize. In the United States, where the Pride movement began, acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is greater than in many other countries. Yet, the weight of continued discrimination and poor physical health and mental distress is taking a unique toll…

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Office worker with an invisible disability

Career Prep for Young Adults with Disabilities

Embarking on a career path in business can lead to countless opportunities, whether young adults pursue corporate roles or entrepreneurship. For young adults with disabilities, the business world offers prospects for every interest and ability. These tips can help you prepare for each stage of working life in business.   Choose the Right Degree Your choice…

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Mature couple moving into assisted living

Easing the Process: Moving Into Assisted Living With Limited Mobility

Limited mobility may come with age. It may also be the result of a mobility-related disability, injury, or illness. However limited mobility comes about, it can impact how you live. And the need for assistance with day-to-day activities is often the outcome.   Thankfully, assisted living empowers older individuals living with mobility challenges who need…

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Benefits of Investing in Human Capital for Your Business

Why Investing In Human Capital Is Crucial For Business Success

Unlocking your business’s full potential starts with recognizing and investing in the most valuable asset of your company: human capital. Fortunately, more and more employers are finally beginning to understand that investing in their human capital is essential for retaining top talent, developing an internal talent pipeline, and overall business success. So if you are…

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Young girl with disabilities working on an art project with her mother

Art Offers Advantages for All

Art is a great medium for self-expression, creativity, and learning. In all of its forms, art can offer a way for children with learning disabilities to express themselves and their emotions, build self-esteem, and develop important life skills. Read on for a few quick tips on how you can involve your child in the arts.  …

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Group of employees in a safe workspace, caring for mental health

Caring for Mental Health: Creating a Safe Workspace as an Employer

Supporting the mental health of your employees is integral to the long-term success of your business. Folks with mental-health-related disabilities need to feel supported and safe in their work environment and will benefit greatly from modifications that promote equal access to healthcare and therapy.   As an employer or manager, you can promote better mental…

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I hate running

Hate Running? Don’t Do It.

If you don’t like running, you are far from alone. Half of all runners say they either hate it or barely tolerate it, and only eight percent say they love it. Surprised? If you’re among the millions who run a little or a lot, anywhere in the world, the odds are high that you aren’t…

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