Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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Chicken Soup Vs. The Common Cold

Feed a cold and starve a fever? Or is it feed a fever and starve a cold? The old adage dates back to the 1500s when it was believed that feeding helped warm a body up, and therefore beat a cold; and starving deprived the body of energy, therefore helping it cool and stop a fever. It’s…

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Depression and Your Office Environment: What You Need to Know

Depression, while often hiding in plain sight, ranks among the top three workplace problems for employee assistance professionals, resulting in 3% of total short-term disability days. For context, that’s more disability than what’s caused by heart disease, hypertension and diabetes—all in the form of an illness that isn’t nearly as visible as a broken bone.…

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Employee facing the sun in a workspace

Overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Workplace

Winter is taking hold for people in the northern parts of the U.S., and while the light-filled days of spring are just a couple of months way, a significant number of people in your workforce may be struggling with seasonal affective disorder. The American Psychiatric Association reports that approximately five percent of Americans suffer from…

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How to Financially Protect Families With A Stay-at-Home Partner

How Can We Help Financially Protect Families With A Stay-at-Home Partner?

When talk of disability income insurance comes up, you probably understand how important it is to protect the breadwinner. Particularly in households where only one person earns an income, disability income insurance (DI) is critical coverage for those who want to financially protect themselves and their loved ones. Insuring a portion of your paycheck with…

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Back to Work: Beating the January Slump

It’s a new year, a new beginning. We’re feeling refreshed after a season of holiday cheer and celebrating with family and friends. Maybe some of us ate and drank a little too much. And maybe we spent our entire year-end bonus on presents that the kids are already tired of playing with. But we all…

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Paid leave trends

Paid Leave Trends to Watch

This article originally appeared on the American Fidelity blog   It’s hard to guess exactly where paid family and medical leave (PFML) laws will be enacted next. Many states have study commissions to assess the feasibility, cost, and other impacts of prospective PFML legislation. Models to watch include: State-run Program – the state provides and…

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How HR Can Make the Most of “Dead Week”

How HR Can Make the Most of “Dead Week”

Is your office quiet that last week between Christmas and New Year’s? Chances are good it is; one survey found that 1/3 of U.S. workers planned to take the entire week as vacation, with nearly 70% expecting to take at least part of it.   But while the rest of your office might be relaxing by…

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Pet bearded dragon on young woman's shoulder

Bearded Dragons as Emotional Support Pets

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is any pet that is legally certified to offer support for emotional of psychological conditions. They help people by providing support during difficult times and are mostly commonly utilized by people suffering from conditions such as anxiety or depression. Usually dogs are trained for this task. However, diversity of ESAs…

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Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

Healthy Holiday Eating – Go Ahead, Indulge a Little

The holidays are here. The season of giving, spending, celebration, and for many, the season of high calorie overeating. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American gains about a pound between Thanksgiving and the beginning of January. Even though the weight gain isn’t as high as…

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Supporting employees during the holidays

Supporting Employees During The Holidays

When we think back to how “stressed” we used to feel during the holidays, we might long for a bit of that old normal…especially as we continue feeling the effects of the pandemic and growing economic concerns. With your employees coping with burnout, COVID fatigue, and the rising cost of living, the “holiday blues” may…

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