Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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The role of environmental factors in supporting employees with disabilities

The Role of Environmental Factors in Supporting Employees with Disabilities

Gainful employment provides many benefits for people with disabilities, but environmental factors can be a roadblock to a rewarding experience. Noise, lighting, sensory challenges, and physical maneuverability can reduce productivity and increase stress levels for these employees. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that everyone, including your staff members with disabilities, enjoys…

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Ideas for getting back on a regular sleep schedule

Get on Track With a Back to School Sleep Schedule

It’s almost that season—time for school buses and alarm clocks. And if you’re like most families, you’ve probably been letting your sleep schedule slide in favor of late evenings spent enjoying the extra hours of daylight with a bike ride or the glow of a backyard fire pit in the warm night air. We don’t…

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Professional with a disability working from home

Inclusive Innovation: The Intersection of Technology and Accessibility

Fighting for a world where individuals living with different disabilities can live fully and freely. Right now, unique challenges present some limitations, like an inability to physically access certain places in public and participate in parts of the digital world.   But progress is being made with the help of technology. New tools continue to…

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Young mother with her baby, working on a laptop at home

Do You Know the Financial Implications Of Taking A Career Break?

When it’s time to start a family, many parents-to-be are so focused on decorating the nursery and choosing the right car seat that they can overlook the life-altering impact a baby can have on their financial life. And we’re not just talking the exorbitant cost of diapers—we’re talking nearly 4 million dollars in “potential income.” These…

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Successful team meeting at the office

Six Ways to Enable Long-Term Employee Success

Your organization’s ability to achieve goals depends on its biggest stakeholders—the employees. Happy, engaged, and productive employees can steer your company toward success. But how can you steer them toward long-term employee success?   What employee success means can vary from company to company. For many, it’s related to the customer success rate and how…

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Gen X couple

Hey Gen X: Time to Protect Your Income

If you’re in your mid-to-late 40s, the options to protect your income may be coming to an end. If you don’t have income-protection disability insurance, you may find it’s more difficult to get it and that the cost is increasing.   Disability insurance? Yes, basic disability insurance is most affordable way to protect your income…

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online purchase with credit card

Empowering Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Through E-Commerce

An unexpected disability can seem to wreak havoc on your plans for the future, especially if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur. Although 1 in 4 people in the United States experience some form of disability, new disabilities can feel both isolating and limiting, in their own way. Individuals with disabilities may experience significant mental stress compared…

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