Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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Protecting loved ones

What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Insurance

As unwelcome as it has been, the pandemic has been a great teacher. It’s revealed a lot about ourselves and the world we live in. Some lessons have been very difficult, while others have proven fruitful. We’ve all been impacted profoundly. Insurance is one area where your perceptions may have changed in light of recent…

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2021 The Year of Women-Owned Startups

2021 The Year of Women-Owned Startups

It’s happening across America: the increase in women starting new businesses is twice that of businesses started by men. Each day, over 1,800 new women-owned businesses are being started. And leading that growth are new businesses owned by women of color, accounting for nearly 90% of new women-owned businesses opening each day. To put that…

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Does Your Employee Have One Foot Out the Door? How to Identify and Keep Employees on the Brink

Unbeknownst to you, your employees may have made “getting a new job” as one of their new year’s resolutions. And that can spell trouble, considering that job postings skyrocket in January. Here are the signs to watch for in employees that could signal they are looking around—and changes you can make to help keep them happy…

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How Remote Health Changes in 2020 are Affecting People with Disabilities

How Remote Health Changes are Affecting People with Disabilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our world, impacting the ways that we receive our education, earn our living, and even seek our entertainment. For persons with disabilities, however, the digitization of daily life has had some unexpected and rather positive consequences. In fact, for the tens of millions of Americans who…

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Avoiding winter burnout

Avoiding Winter Employee Burnout

Winter is in full-swing, which has many people excited to either hit the slopes or hunker down for the next few months. While the dead of winter is a great time for reflection, it can also lead to burnout for even the most productive employees. Between the cold weather, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and short days, winter…

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Low-Cost Ways to Cope With a Disability Diagnosis

Low-Cost Ways to Cope With a Disability Diagnosis

After weeks, months, or even years of searching for answers, a diagnosis – even a challenging one – can be a relief. There’s something extraordinarily powerful about being able to put a name to your symptoms and the cause behind them. However, that relief brings a hefty dose of its own fear and uncertainty with…

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5 Ways to Embrace the Danish Concept of Hygge

Hygge may not be a household world in the States quite yet, but it’s currently experiencing a popularity growth spurt and influencing the way many Americans live their lives. With origins in Denmark, the word—pronounced “hoo-gah”—roughly translates to “coziness” in English, although most Danes will argue that hygge has more to do with well-being than anything else. It’s thought to…

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Back to Work: Beating the January Slump

It’s a new year, a new beginning. We’re feeling refreshed after a season of holiday cheer and celebrating with family and friends. Maybe some of us ate and drank a little too much. And maybe we spent our entire year-end bonus on presents that the kids are already tired of playing with. But we all…

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How HR Can Make the Most of “Dead Week”

Is your office quiet that last week between Christmas and New Year’s? Chances are good it is; one survey found that 1/3 of U.S. workers planned to take the entire week as vacation, with nearly 70% expecting to take at least part of it.   But while the rest of your office might be relaxing by a…

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