Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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Life preserver in the ocean.

How to Build an Emergency Fund

If you had to pay an unexpected $400 bill today, would you be able to without reaching for a credit card or asking for a loan? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. And you need to keep reading this blog. A large proportion of working Americans are in the same boat, lacking liquidity…

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Image of a man with the question: How can I get disability insurance?

How Can I Get Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance is one of the most important forms of insurance for working Americans. The financial expert Dave Ramsey calls it “a necessity.” It has been described as a valuable benefit by NPR while NBC News calls it “more important for singles than just about anyone.” Having a form of income protection for when you’re injured, ill…

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Picture of woman with words: How does disability insurance actually work?

How Does Disability Insurance Actually Work?

Disability insurance provides critical financial protection that is very different from other insurance products. Millions of working Americans don’t have it, and many don’t fully understand what it protects. A 2017 report from LIMRA revealed that 65 percent of respondents thought that most people need disability insurance. Yet only 48 percent thought they personally needed it, and a…

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Mother with her newborn baby.

What to Do Now to Prepare for a Smooth Maternity Leave

Has the latest mommy blog replaced the Wall Street Journal as your go-to online reading? Congratulations! There’s no more exciting time than when you’re expecting a baby. But, along with the anticipation comes some worry — about your baby’s health of course, but also smaller things, like will you ever learn how that car seat…

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Image of a house with wording: 50 million households in the US do not have private disability insurance

How Many Working American Households Lack Private Disability Coverage?

By Andrew Melnyk, Chief Economist and Vice President of Research, American Council of Life Insurers Last week, Fred Schott of The Council for Disability Awareness outlined an approach to answering the following question: how many working Americans have (or don’t have) some form of private disability coverage? It is an important question because, as we know, Social…

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5 most common reasons for long-term disability claims

The Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Out of Work and Stay Out of Work

At least 35 percent of working Americans don’t have private disability insurance. And what that means is approximately 50 million people won’t receive a paycheck if they leave work to have a baby, or are recovering from an injury or an illness. Working adults need disability (or income protection) insurance because people regularly leave work…

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Pregnant woman holding a baby

Disability Insurance Can Be An Important Part of a Pregnancy—But It’s Much More

Disability insurance — also known as income protection coverage — is one of the most important and overlooked pillars of financial planning. Think about it. The average person is so dependent on their ability to earn a living, they couldn’t continue their lifestyle if they missed even a single paycheck. The Federal Reserve asked adults…

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Why Disability Insurance Should Be Part of Your Paid Leave Strategy

Benefits are becoming a key differentiator in the job market. A 2017 report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports that nearly one third of organizations increased their benefit offerings over the past 12 months. The leading reason? To remain competitive in the talent marketplace. Amid all the benefits being offered today, from…

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