Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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5 Ways to Embrace the Danish Concept of Hygge

Hygge may not be a household world in the States quite yet, but it’s currently experiencing a popularity growth spurt and influencing the way many Americans live their lives. With origins in Denmark, the word—pronounced “hoo-gah”—roughly translates to “coziness” in English, although most Danes will argue that hygge has more to do with well-being than…

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Unseen Employee Disability Costs, Part 3: What Can You Do?

In August, I wrote about how the non-occupational disabilities covered under salary continuation or disability insurance plans are more common than the occupational disabilities covered under workers’ compensation. I suggested your benefits team should be as focused on managing the costs of non-occ disabilities as your risk management team is on keeping WC costs in…

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Counteracting Stress in the Office

The modern office is often considered to one of the safer work environments out there—certainly less hazardous than a construction site. When it comes to stress, however, office jobs are far from being harmless. 33% of office workers feel as if they’re living with extreme stress, which can easily contribute to depression and anxiety—both capable…

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Stretching Regularly to Improve Your Workday

Anyone who works in an office environment knows firsthand the occupational hazards that are associated with sitting at a desk for long periods of time. For women, as an example, sitting for more than six hours per day can increase the risk of death by an astonishing 40%, and everyone’s good cholesterol can be expected…

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Improving Productivity with Mindfulness Meditation

Boosting workplace productivity is priority for many CEOs, HR leaders and management alike. Some look to the newest trends in hiring as a way of improving worker productivity, such as working with remote employees, who are 14% more productive on average than their cubicle-bound colleagues. When it comes to leveraging your existing workforce, however, one…

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Smoothies are the New Eggs: Start Your Day Off Right!

The health advantages associated with eating breakfast regularly are nearly impossible to ignore, from helping us consume less fat during the day to enhancing cognitive performance in school-aged children. With over half of Americans claiming to skip breakfast at least once per week, however, many are susceptible to unhealthy snacking during the day, which can…

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What Every Business Needs to Know About Anti-Discriminatory Laws

Every business should have a basic knowledge about anti-discriminatory handicap and disability laws. At a very general level, the following definition can be proposed: discrimination is any violation of the principle of equality in relation to prohibited criteria. Older discrimination laws used to provide sanctioned regulations which did not sufficiently take into account the differences…

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Flu Season Preparation Checklist

With its crisp air, gorgeous colors and long shadows, fall is a favorite season for many. Each year, however, the coming of fall also indicates the arrival of flu season, which—as anyone who has had the flu knows—can ruin an otherwise beautiful time of year. Influenza infection sends over 200,000 people to the hospital annually,…

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Understanding the Ketogenic Diet

For those who are trying to get healthy and perhaps lose a few pounds, the amount of contradictory information on the web and in books about how to “lose weight and feel great” can be overwhelming. In a country where over 600,000 people die of heart disease each year, however, a new approach to diet…

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Celebrate National Coffee Day

More than half of American adults drink at least one cup of coffee each day. If you aren’t one of them, you may want to consider giving it a try. Although for years doctors warned people about coffee, those concerns were based on flawed, decades old research. Current studies have shown a broad range of…

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