Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

Stories about financial, physical, and emotional wellness.

We post blog articles here regularly about financial, physical, and emotional wellness, and the steps working Americans can take to protect their income and strengthen their resilience, at home and in the workplace.

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Vaccinations for Children: The Debate

Anti-vaxers and pro-vaxers have been arguing over the safety of childhood vaccinations. Science has repeatedly come out and testified that vaccinations do not cause autism and other types of disabilities. Autism Speaks has recently revised its stance on childhood vaccinations saying “Scientific research has not directly connected autism to vaccines.”

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Hollywood Movie Angers Many in The Disability Community

Angry about the movie Me Before You? If so, you are not alone. Many in the disability community certainly are. The movie portrays a quadriplegic character who falls in love with his caretaker, and she him. It isn’t the romance that people have a problem with, it is the ending, which many believe sends the…

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Identity First or Person First Language: Where Do You Stand?

Should I use the term “disabled person” or a “person with a disability.” Our first inclination is to use the former, which is called Person First language. However, there are many people who prefer “disabled person”; this word structure denotes Identity First language. Both sides of the debate have interesting points explained here.

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The Millennial Generation: “Who Are Those Guys?”

Do you fit the Millennial Generation stereotypes that are proliferated? Probably not. This is not a one-size-fits-all generation any more than any other generation. Take a look at some of the surprising Millennial stats that illustrate this generation’s complexity and diversity.

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Mental Health on College Campuses

Time to worry? Recent studies of mental health on college campuses has indicated that there is a growing segment of college students who show signs of mental illness. Oftentimes, there are many resources that troubled students have access to, but they often don’t due to the feeling that they are “weak” or “crazy.”

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4 Surprising Stressors and 5 Alternative Stress Reducers

Thank goodness alternative stress reducers are keeping pace with stressors, even stressors you may be overlooking. Take a couple of minutes to massage your ears and help relieve yourself of those horrible stress hormones. Learn other alternative stress reducers and unexpected stress creators.

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